Sunday, September 20, 2009

a night out

On Wednesday we found out we would have to vacate the premises the next morning for 24 hours while the spray insulation was being sprayed and cured, due to the fumes it emits. A mild panic ensued given the fact that we operate our business from home and it would mean preparing to move the business as well as ourselves, let alone wondering where we would sleep.

It was partly our own fault. On Monday we had been given the insulation proposal and there on page 2 or 3 it outlines the needs and ramifications of the entire process, including the fact that occupants must be away from the site. We didn't have time to read it until Wednesday, but to be fair it would have been nice to be given a bit of a heads up.

We hastily packed up our things the night before, phoned my parents to see if we might stay at their place and saw the benefit being we could also do a load of laundry there at the same time.

The next morning we found out that the inspector hadn't yet completed his work (we're not sure if this was the electrical inspector who had already come by previously and was due to make a return visit to check out the changes requested or if it was the city inspector - we are getting confused with the surfeit of inspections being done aroudn here these days) so we had a day respite. Just as well. We were able to set things up that much better from a work and personal life perspective.

Friday dawned. We were packed and ready to go off at 8:30 or so when everyone had arrived. We did some work, made some calls, blah, blah the usual, while waiting and waiting.
We had set ourselves a list of chores to do in the outside world (collect the refurbished stained glass window for the living room, renew our home insurance, order the flooring tile, check out some IKEA things, groceries, paint, lightbulbs, etc.) and it got to the point where we either had to leave to get them done, or it was too late for the insulating proces to happen that day anyway. If it didn't then it would have to wait until next Thursday, as we had people coming over the other days and couldn't move them at this stage. It was no big deal to us, but tough on the contractor who has lined things up like a magician with plates spinning on sticks - a few days delay meant everything crashed a bit.

We left, doing most of our chores and then swinging by the hosue to see the truck parked on teh street, so we just kept going.

Dinner at Watermark on Kits beach while watching the sun go down, two loads of laundry, reading the most recent New Yorker, good nights sleep despite torrential rain (thanks Mom and Dad), up to join our running group, coffee with running group, then home to check out the results.

It was like a Disneyland version of the north pole, all foamy green dollops along the uppper ceiling permieter, within the mechanical room, bathroom and entry, laundry room and under the new back porch (which has slightly shallower joists and so required a different kind of foam. My favourite was looking up the space under our kitchen cabinet above - like some kind of institutional coloured matterhorn.

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